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Sunday, December 22, 2019


(Saur Paush 1941 / December 2019 – January 2020) ______________________________________________________________________

Welcome to the Know Thou Biological Clock Newsletter

In this issue:

1.  What is new in this month
Nasal sensor development, ChronoPrakriti workshop,
Chronobiology open forum (28th Dec, 11.30 am at B.V. Bhide Foundation, SP college)

2.  Understanding Biological Clock
Spatio-temporal niche and circadian clocks (Dr. Dhanashree Paranjpe)

3.  Latest trend in Chronobiology research
Medicine in fourth dimension (Ms. Ankita Galinde)

4.  Chronobiology and modern medicine
Microbiome-Gut-Brain axis (Dr. Meenal Joshi)

5.  Chronobiology and Ayurved
Tridosha Theory

6.  Site of the Month

7.  Chronobiology for Students
For school students: Excessive mobile usage and behaviour in teens
For university students: Silver Laboratory at Columbia university, New York USA

8.  Chronobiology for Professionals
Link between diabetes and internal clock

9.  ChronoPrakriti diet plan
Bajari (pearl millet) Dhapate (Mrs. Manjusha Savardekar)   

10. Tune your Clock – Games / Meditation Techniques
Osho commentary on Vigyan Bhairav Tantra No 104 - Each particular perception is limited, disappearing in omnipotence

11. Book review
Cycles of Nature: An Introduction to Biological Rhythms, A. Ahlgren, F. Halberg (1990)
Book preface by: John D. Palmer

12. Chrono Quiz
Assessing your knowledge about biological rhythms

13. Support ‘Know thou Biological Clock’ Newsletter
Forward / Contribute in newsletter, Participate in data collection
Arrange introductory talk, workshop

14. Announcements
Chronobiology open forum (28th Dec, 11.30 am at B.V. Bhide Foundation, SP college)
Introductory course in Chronobiology (4th Jan – 26th Jan, provided min 10 registrations) ChronoPrakriti workshop (10th Jan, 3.00 pm at B.V. Bhide Foundation, SP college

This newsletter is always evolving — tell us what you think!

Thanks for reading!

If there are any specific topics that you would like to see here, you are most welcome to contribute and / or let me know.

Archives available at:


Friday, December 6, 2019

Prakriti type analysis

Vata, Pitta and Kapha are three important body constituents called Doshas in Ayurveda. Each of them has a very specific set of functional roles to play in the body.

Out of three Doshas, the dominant Dosha at the time of conception determines our Prakriti. This is our constitution which we are born with and it never varies. It is like our thumbprint. It is quite rare that Vata, Pitta and Kapha are equally pronounced in a human being, a state that is called as Balanced Tri-Dosha, which forms the foundation of health, fitness, and wellbeing par excellence.

Most people are dominant in any two of the Doshas. Various Dosha proportions determine one’s physiological and personality traits as well as general likes and dislikes. Here are the three Doshas, and the characteristics associated with each of them.

I) Vata Dosha (Ether + Wind)
Vata is the kinetic energy that controls bodily functions associated with motion, including blood circulation, breathing, blinking, and heartbeat. In balance condition Vata is responsible for creativity and vitality but when it goes out of balance it creates fear and anxiety.

II) Pitta Dosha (Fire + Water)
Pitta is the heat energy that controls metabolic activities of the body such as digestion, absorption, assimilation and regulates body temperature. In balance state Pitta gives contentment and intelligence. When it goes out of balance it creates excessive anger and inflammatory conditions.

III) Kapha Dosha (Earth + Water)
Kapha is the cold energy that controls growth in the body. It also supplies nourishment to all body parts, moisturizes the skin and maintains the immune system. In balance state it is responsible for love and forgiveness but when it is out of balance it can lead to insecurity and envy. 

Vikriti is present condition of Tri-dosha. When the Doshas are out of balance, they can create various diseases disturbing the health. Once we know Vikriti, we can use food, herbs, diet and lifestyle changes to align our condition (Vikriti) with our constitution (Prakriti). When they are aligned, we experience optimal health and peace in life.

Ayurveda focuses on providing specific advice and guidance on how to maintain physical and emotional health. We are suggesting the set of personalized recommendations designed to support you in your journey towards optimal health. 

Following link has the Prakriti questionnaire which you can submit to us for getting the detailed report.